Sunday, June 23, 2013

One of the Most Helpful Books in My Recovery

I actually found out about this author through a not-so-great day treatment program I was sent to last fall, it mainly focused on those with addictions and I count finding out about this author as the one silver lining to my wasted two or three weeks there.  He has a few other great books about recovery in general and recovery from abuse, but his book on boundaries has helped me a huge amount with my mother.
Even today at age 28, if my mother could tell me what to eat, dress, speak, and think - she would.  She is completely codependent on my dad and for years took out her need to completely and utterly control something in the world on me.  Whitfield's book on boundaries was the first thing I read to ever give me insight into how messed up her boundaries with me were and how I could start pushing her back from smothering me.  She still attempts to overwhelm me if I give me more than a tiny bit of trust in that area, but it's helped me be able to push back and remember I'm a human being and not property of her.
Hopefully (if I do this right) a link for you to check out the book will show up:

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