Friday, June 21, 2013

Why the Cheshire Cat?

So, I'll be the first to admit I'm not a cat person overall...a nasty run in with my sister's cat when I was 4 has made me never quite trust them, but the Cheshire Cat holds a special meaning for me.  The famous quote "We're all mad here." defines my childhood to perfection.  I grew up in the chaos of abuse and alchohalism that left me suicidal by age 13 and now dealing with severe anxiety, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder which have left me unable to work for the past year.  I recently obtained a job, one I think I can handle without causing another breakdown that lands me in the hospital but it likely won't be enough to save my current living arrangement and I will end up back in my parent's home before my 30th birthday.
Hopefully this blog will follow my treatment for the issues I mentioned above, surviving the probable move back to my parent's, an attempt to get off at least two of the four medications I take daily...and the path as my boyfriend and I work towards a future life together.


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